Now That I Have Finished Uni for the Year
Hey Everyone!
What I am pondering....
1. I am now just so excited about tutoring since my sister and friend have set me up with wonderful new approaches to phonetic learning!
2. I am visiting my sisters more often.
3. I am writing the Christmas lists and doing some online shopping.
4. I am paying my ebay's and receiving fun things in the mail.
5. I am reading great books and filling my mind with positivity!!
6. I am planning better for my Kids Hope times.
7. I am surprisingly less focussed on loosing weight than I need to be.
8. I am back onto Facebook, MySpace and Red Bubble...dangerous.
9. I am making sure I read my homework for Small Group!
10. I am sending thankyou letters after my birthday.
Overall...still pretty busy!!!
Thanks for listening.